From Iceland — Fancies: Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir

Fancies: Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir

Published April 15, 2021

Fancies: Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir
Hannah Jane Cohen
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir (25), who works at Fab Lab Reykjavík.

today’s look

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir. Photo by Art Bicnick.

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir is wearing:

  • Boots from Rokk og Rómantík
  • Black jeans
  • Corset from Vampire Clothing
  • Shirt from Morticia in Helsinki
  • Collar from Devoir De Chatonne
  • Bag from the goth market at the Wave-Gotik-Treffen festival

style q&a

Describe your style in 5 words (or more!): A blend of different types of goth, but mainly industrial goth, fetish goth, and a little tribal goth. Other than that, it’s very dark and dom.

Favourite stores in Reykjavík: Rokk og Rómantík is nice. I also love when Loft does the Swap ’Til You Drop events. But I usually shop online or in other countries. My favourite online shops are Vampire Clothing for corsets and Cyber Dog for more extreme things. There’s a store in Helsinki called Morticia, which has some very cool stuff, but my favourite place for shopping is the giant goth market at Wave-Gotik-Treffen, the biggest goth festival in the world. That’s where I got this bag.

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir. Photo by Art Bicnick

Favourite piece: It’s probably this stomach belt/corset that I got from Morticia. It’s almost a corset but it doesn’t have boning. I really prefer buying blank shirts or pants and then adding corsets or other things to make the outfit special and this belt really makes everything look cool.

Something I would never wear: The worst thing I can imagine for myself would be pink velvet pants. I don’t like the touch of velvet so that would make me so uncomfortable! My daughter loves pink so I love buying pink things for her, but I don’t like it on me. That said, I like when people dress the way that makes them happy, so when I see someone enjoying their clothes—even if it’s not my style—it makes me happy!

Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir. Photo by Art Bicnick

Lusting after: I really want to finish this dress that I’m half-done making. It’s a tight, pinstripe, modular dress with big see-through puffy black sleeves that can be removed. Over that, there’s going to be a big hoop skirt, with the hoops connected with 3D printed scales that can also be removed. So if it’s just the dress, it’ll be really classy, but with the sleeves and the hoop skirt it becomes very goth and extreme.

Know someone with incredible aesthetics like Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir? E-mail us at Read more Fancies articles here.

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