Logi Leó Gunnarsson is a young artist in Reykjavík who designed the cover art for the band Hjalti Kaftu, which is a part of the wonderful Post-dreifing grassroots collective.
First thing in the morning
My radio alarm wakes me up at 06:40 and Rás 1 wishes me a good morning. It is a Thursday. I put the kettle on and make coffee and a simple porridge with raisins and coconut flakes. I put a Best of Gheorghe Zamfir album on the record player and relax. After breakfast, I head for Vesturbæjarlaug for a swim, sauna and a dip in the cold and hot tubs.
I walk over to the Reykjavík art museum, Hafnarhús, check out the cool exhibitions they have on and grab a free cup of coffee. I continue my walk and head for the city pond. I pass through the ‘Perlufesti’ sculpture garden on my way to the National Gallery of Iceland. After experiencing the architecture and interesting exhibitions I enjoy a free cup of coffee. Afterwards, I come by the Ásgrímur Jónsson collection on Bergstaðarstræti for a quick down to earth moment.

Logi Leó Gunnarsson. Photo by Art Bicnick.
In the afternoon
Before lunch, I like to go record digging at my favourite record shop: Reykjavík Record Shop. I usually look through their 100kr selection and usually find some surprising gems. I eat lunch at Kjarvalsstaðir and afterwards soak my senses in stunning art.
Early evening
I go by Ásmundarsafn for a bit of sculptural relief and then walk back into town for a quick viewing session at the Einar Jónsson Museum, completing my sculptural reinforcement.
Before dinner, I attend a screening of my favourite movie at the best cinema in Europe, Bíó Paradís. I eat dinner at Ramen Momo: Vegan Gyoza, Kimchi and Vegan Tantamen.
I head for a big opening at the Marshall House. Three different exhibitions are opening at Nýlistasafnið, Kling & Bang and Stúdíó Ólafur Elíasson. I meet all my friends and have interesting conversations about life, art and music.
For more Perfect Days like that of Logi Leó Gunnarsson, click here.
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