From Iceland — Fancies: Victoria Heiður Barthélémy

Fancies: Victoria Heiður Barthélémy

Published October 19, 2018

Fancies: Victoria Heiður Barthélémy

Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Victoria Heiður Barthélémy (22), who is a cellist, violist, and classical singer. Outside of that, she’s also a lifeguard.

today’s look


  • Black billowy pants. I don’t remember where I got them.
  • Heeled Hunter rain boots
  • Random grey shirt
  • Anchor ring
  • Ear plugs
  • Matt & Nat bag
  • Arm and chest tattoos by Habba Nero & Noksi
  • Mac & NYX lipstick

style q&a

Describe your style in 5 words: Independent, dark, sophisticated. Just give me black and I’ll be happy.

Favourite stores in Reykjavík: I don’t shop in Reykjavík much because I am broke as fuck, but I really like jewellery stores like the Hidden People. They sell stones and such.

Favourite piece: My body modifications. I have my tongue split, ears stretched, and lots of tattoos. I think it is the best thing, a calculated distortion of the body. It’s clothes but it’s not, it’s a part of you.

Least favourite trend: I don’t think that people ever have to follow rules or trends. I feel like trends are a sad part of modern society. People follow trends to feel like they are not alone. I guess, at the same time, it’s a good thing because it makes them feel better. But really, don’t do what people tell you. Just do you.

Lusting after: Ear weights. Glass ones. I have ordered some and I can’t wait.

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Girl, Put Your Lipstick On

Girl, Put Your Lipstick On


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