From Iceland — It’s Here! Check Out The First Episode Of 'An Evening With Jono Duffy'

It’s Here! Check Out The First Episode Of ‘An Evening With Jono Duffy’

Published July 25, 2018

It’s Here! Check Out The First Episode Of ‘An Evening With Jono Duffy’

We’ve been hyped for this for months, and now it’s finally here!

The Australian-Icelandic comedian Jono Duffy has made his name around Reykjavík for quite a few years with his stand-up. Last year he started an interesting project, where he hosted a talk-show in Tjarnarbíó, only without any cameras. The show was such a riot that us, and quite a few others, pestered Jono about doing an actual show, until he finally relented. This is the result.

Here’s how the producers of the show describe it: “An evening with Jono Duffy is the first comedy chat show to be produced in Iceland in English. In this first episode join Jono as he explains the reason he’s an Australian living in Iceland; harasses tourists on the streets of Reykjavík, dips his toe in sensory deprivation at Hydra Flotation Spa and the sadness of summer in Iceland. With stand up, interviews and a special guest Icelandic comedian Snjólaug Ludvíksdóttir.”

Now watch this badboy:

Follow Jono on Twitter and Facebook to get the heads-up on future episodes.

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