From Iceland — Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Fashion Boutique

Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Fashion Boutique

Published October 7, 2021

Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Fashion Boutique
Photo by
Art Bicnick

We at the Grapevine couldn’t be more excited about the future of Icelandic design. It seems that every year the scene grows exponentially, with more and more artists taking centre stage and shops showcasing the crème de la crème of our little island. To our delight, the pandemic didn’t change a thing—in fact, the competition for our 2021 Best of Reykjavík Shopping awards was particularly fierce. After long discussions with our beloved panel members, we are proud to present our winners. From sustainable ceramics to high-end lopapeysur to obscure Björk b-sides, this country is more than just volcanoes and waterfalls. (No shade to volcanoes and waterfalls, but you can’t wear them or put them on your shelf, right?) So without further ado, here’s your essential guide to shopping in Reykjavík. Enjoy—responsibly, of course.

Best Fashion Boutique


Laugavegur 7

Photo by Art Bicnick

Hildur Yeoman has dressed everyone from R’n’B goddess GDRN to the swan lady herself, Björk, and recent Grammy/BAFTA/Emmy/Oscar award winner Hildur Guðnadóttir. She was also just in Vogue for heaven’s sake. Basically the patron saint of modern Icelandic fashion, Yeoman is known for her dreamy patterns, lush textures, spacey body-cons and beautiful tailoring. Her new large Laugavegur store is the perfect showroom for her fantastical wears. “She’s a creative queen,” one panellist raved. “And this summer, she had DJs and concerts at her store and she’s just become this cultural Mecca. Every time I am downtown, I stop by and I usually want everything in the store. She’s my go-to.”



Laugavegur 7

Photo by Art Bicnick

Stefánsbúð showcases quirky designers of all shapes and sizes. It exemplifies the word “boutique” with a zany selection of high end pieces that are guaranteed to stand out in the streets. Our panel would also like to applaud them on their fantastic DesignMarch exhibition.


Rokk og Rómantík

Laugavegur 62

Photo from Rokk og Rómantik’s Facebook page

The muted tones of Nordic fashion don’t usually mesh with roses, chains and lace dresses, which is why the gothic haven of Rokk og Rómantik is so needed in this city. “It’s just so unapologetically goth,” said one panel member. Another agreed. “They have a good mix of very extreme stuff along with more wearable gothy things, which means it’s fun for both day and night. It’s not afraid to be extreme.”

You can buy a copy of the full Best Of Reykjavík 2021 magazine—an essential guide to having fun in Reykjavík—here, posted worldwide. 

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