From Iceland — Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Design Store

Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Design Store

Published October 7, 2021

Best Of Reykjavík Shopping 2021: Best Design Store
Photo by
Art Bicnick

We at the Grapevine couldn’t be more excited about the future of Icelandic design. It seems that every year the scene grows exponentially, with more and more artists taking centre stage and shops showcasing the crème de la crème of our little island. To our delight, the pandemic didn’t change a thing—in fact, the competition for our 2021 Best of Reykjavík Shopping awards was particularly fierce. After long discussions with our beloved panel members, we are proud to present our winners. From sustainable ceramics to high-end lopapeysur to obscure Björk b-sides, this country is more than just volcanoes and waterfalls. (No shade to volcanoes and waterfalls, but you can’t wear them or put them on your shelf, right?) So without further ado, here’s your essential guide to shopping in Reykjavík. Enjoy—responsibly, of course.

Best Design Store


Skólavörðustígur 12

Photo by Art Bicnick

Skólavörðustígur’s Rammagerðin is as close to a supergroup of Icelandic designers as you are going to find outside of some weird design-focused comic book multiverse. Go there to pick up everything from Studio Flétta’s hand-stamped candlesticks to Ragna Ragnarsdóttir’s ethereal ceramics to Fischer’s earthly fragrances to Urð’s delectable cosmetics. Seriously—who does their curation? Whoever it is deserves a raise. Anyway, Rammagerðin was a clear, unequivocal winner in this category. They’ve stepped up their game and the game of all Icelandic design stores.


FÓLK Reykjavík


Photo by Art Bicnick

This exhibition space/store opened up in Hafnartorg only months ago. It features a selection of Icelandic sustainable product design—a focus that must be applauded, especially given our current climate. “They have a vision, one that’s needed. They’re doing such good work,” our panel decided. Bravó FÓLK. Welcome to the awards.


Mikado Reykjavík & Pastel Flower Studio

Hverfisgata 50

Photo by Art Bicnick

Pastel Flower Studio and Mikado Reykjavík share the same Hverfisgata storefront, which, with that combo, could easily be renamed “Heaven.” Pastel, of course, is a Grapevine favourite, having won numerous awards for their stunning, primal flower design. The addition of Mikado, though, adds a new element of apotheosis to this, with a well-curated bunch of Icelandic and foreign design. What else could you want?

You can buy a copy of the full Best Of Reykjavík 2021 magazine—an essential guide to having fun in Reykjavík—here, posted worldwide. 

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