Author: Nanna Árnadóttir - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Icelandair And Wow Air Change Regulations After GermanWings Crash


Both Icelandair and Wow Air have changed their cockpit policies after the tragic GermanWings crash in France earlier this week,…

deCODE Genetics Able To Warn People Of Diseases


deCODE Genetics have collected enough genetic material to warn Icelanders of genetic health risks, reports the New Scientist, but privacy…

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Icelandic Nipples


@IroynA @NannaArnadottir better question, what's with feminists and showing breasts, but demanding virtual characters have smaller breasts? — GigaWalrus #5313…

#FreeTheNipple Fun At The Swimming Pool


Mammary glands were on display at Reykjavík’s Laugardalslaug swimming pool last night as women streamed in to end #FreeTheNipple day with…

Iceland Tweets #ReasonsToQuitFacebook After Nipple Ban


Following Iceland’s viral #FreeTheNipple campaign yesterday a number of Icelanders – even this very publication – found themselves banned or…

Two Icelandic Crime Novels Shortlisted For Petrona Award


Crime novels Reykjavík Nights by Arnaldur Indriðason and Silence of the Sea by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir have been shortlisted for the…

Majority Of Icelandic Homes Struggling To Make Ends Meet


According to a new Gallup survey the majority of Icelandic homes are piling on debt or struggling to make ends meet,…

Iceland’s Feminists Fuck Gender Norms With #FreeTheNipple


Iceland’s feminists are rallying against cyber bullying and fighting for topfreedom by baring their breasts on Twitter and other social…

Conservative MP Can’t Fathom Pirate Party’s Success


Independence Party MP, Vilhjálmur Bjarnason, told parliament in a speech yesterday that he could not fathom why the Pirate Party…

So, The Gulf Stream Is Slowing Down…


According to a new study, the world is now seeing a slowdown of the great ocean circulation that helps to…

Tickets To Extra Björk Airwaves Show On Sale Friday


Iceland Airwaves have added an extra Björk show to the bill, on November 3, and tickets go on sale at…

Iceland Fifth Happiest In Europe


Iceland and Norway are joint fifth and sixth on the list of happiest European nations, reports Vísir. The list, compiled…

Iceland Volcano Eruption Polluted More Than EU Combined


The combined SO2 emissions for all EU member states during the six month Holuhraun eruption comprised only a quarter of…

Black Swan Couple Settle In Dyrhólaey


A couple of black swans were spotted off the coast of Dyrhólaey in south Iceland yesterday by Gunnar Þór Gunnarsson…

Would Like An LGBTQIA Old Folks Home


The training and education delegate for Iceland’s national queer organisation, Samtökin ’78, has said that she would love to see…

Bad Weather Saved Iceland From Volcano Pollution


Iceland’s harsh winter may have saved the country from the more serious side effects of the six month Holuhraun eruption,…

Trust In Iceland’s Parliament Drops Further


According to a new Gallup poll only 18% of Icelanders trust the parliament – a 6% drop since last year,…

BBC Reports Hard Hitting Iceland Elf Story


While parliament battles over the validity of the withdrawal of Iceland’s EU application and approval for the ruling coalition plummets…

Don’t Ask Nanna: How To Survive Icelandic Animal Attacks


Kære Nanna, How do you survive if you meet wild animals in your country? Tak! A Friendly Danish Neighbour Dear…

Icelander Probably Won’t Be Extradited To U.S


Icelander Alfreð Örn Clausen who is wanted by California police for stealing millions will most likely not be extradited, reports…

More Tourists Getting Lost In Þingvellir Than Ever Before


According to employees of Þingvellir National Park, more tourists than ever before are getting lost and not turning up to…

EU: Foreign Minister’s Letter Doesn’t Count


Spokesperson for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Maja Kocijančič, has said in no uncertain terms that while the EU…

Vikings Described As Hot, Filthy And Crazy


In what can only be considered as no great surprise, Vikings were thought to be kind of gross and uncivilised…

The Trouble With Sustainable Outrage


The trouble with staying angry enough to drive change is that it’s exhausting and you bore everyone. If you don’t believe…

Tony Hawk Surprises Icelandic Teens By Visiting Skate Park


American former professional skateboarder and actor, Tony Hawk, turned up unannounced at a skate park in Hafnafjörður yesterday. Cue twenty…