Author: Elías Þórsson - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Tourists Banned From Sleeping Or Making Food In Harpa


Yesterday, rule changes were introduced in Harpa, which are meant to stop weary travellers from taking naps or making sandwiches…

Elías Has Fun At The Festival Reykjavík Needs


“Do you want this?” “What is it?” “It’s a cheeseburger, I don’t want it, you can have it.” “Oh, thanks.”…

Big Sean Believes In Elves And “Björk’s From Here?”


Yesterday, the annual Secret Solstice Festival finished, and one of the headliners was Detroit born rapper Big Sean, the Grapevine…

Secret Solstice 2017: Iceland’s Most Fashionable Festival


Getting that festival look right is fucking impossible, which is why there are so many people dressed in boring rain…

Photos: þjóðbúningurinn – Icelandic National Costume


The Icelandic national costume (þjóðbúningurinn) is the country’s ceremonial outfit, which came to prominence in the 19th century, during the…

Tourist Caught Driving At 146 Km An Hour On 90 Road


Police pulled over a foreign driver last night, who was driving at 146 kilometres an hour on the Suðurlandsvegur road…

Four Suspects In Murder Case Released From Custody


Four of the six suspects in the murder of Arnar Jónsson Aspar, who was killed last Wednesday, were released from…

Three Charged In Burning Of The IKEA Christmas Goat


Three people, a man and two women, have been fined 150 thousand króna for burning down the IKEA Christmas Goat…

Music Festival On Top Of Esjan In The Midnight Sun


“I don’t know if I can do this,” Jóhanna the intern said as we boarded a small helicopter by the…

Go Native: The Secret Icelandic Acts At The Solstice Festival

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Secret Solstice, the biggest music festival in Iceland, returns this weekend. If you’re dropping in from abroad, you’ll know Foo…

Locals Disgusted: Tourists Excrete On Kindergarten


Yesterday, kindergarten teacher Fanney Ósk Ríkharðsdóttir from Egilsstaðir came to work, only to find tourists doing their business by the…

9th Century Viking Sword Found In North Iceland


A sword dating back to the 9th or 10th century has been discovered in Dys­nes by Eyjafjörður in northern Iceland,…

Free Keikó 2: Amusement Park Imports Beluga Whales To Iceland


The Ministry of Fisheries and the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority has granted permission for moving three beluga whales from…

Police With Guns At All Future Public Gatherings In Iceland


Armed Police At All Future Public Gatherings In Iceland Police officers openly carrying guns will be present at the Secret…

The Mountain Involved In Domestic Disturbance For Third Time In Six Months


Last week, police were called to the house of Hafþór “The Mountain” Björnsson, following reports of domestic disturbance by neighbours….

American Expert: Air Pollution Shockingly High In Reykjavík


An American expert in air pollution claims he was incredibly surprised when he measured the levels of air particulate matter…

Pictures: The Color Run Iceland 2017


The annual colour run took place yesterday, and oh boy was it colourful. Fun was had by all as young…

Pineapplegate: Icelandic President Pays Tribute To Inventor Of Hawaiian Pizza


Icelandic President Guðni Th. Jó­hann­es­son, polarised people as much as Donald Trump, when last February, he came out publicly and…

A Stroll As Casual As Crushing Croatia


They may be our mightiest, bravest and most virile heroes, and we may worship them as gods, but Icelanders understand…

Björk Premiers New Moonless Music Video


I stopped trying to make sense of Björk a long time ago. She confuses me, and when I’m confused I…

Trial Against Police Officer Charged With Assaulting Prisoner Begins


Criminal proceedings against a police officer accused of assaulting a prisoner got underway today, reports RÚV. The officer stands accused…

Icelandic Brewery Makes Beer From Sheep’s Heads


The Icelandic Brewery Borg Brugghús has teamed up with their Norwegian counterpart Voss Bryggeri, to make a stout brewed from…

Oldest Houses In Icelandic History Possibly Found


Archeologists working in Stöð í Stöðvarfirði, on the east coast, believe they have found the oldest lodgings in Iceland, dating…

Only 40% Of Pirates Think Life Is Fair


A recent study by market researcher MMR has found that a majority of Icelanders believe that life is fair—that is,…

Head Of Iceland’s Conservation Association: Trump Is A ‘Sociopath’


Árni Finsson, the head of the Iceland Nature Conservation Association has called Donald Trump a “sociopath”, in response to the…