Author: Catherine Magnúsdóttir

Beating The Blank Page
Creative writers can find community at the University of Iceland’s writing salon Breaking the fourth wall for a moment here,…

Reaching New Heights And Feeling Boulder
Unleash Your Inner Spider-Monkey at Klifurhúsið There is something sort of primal about looking up at a big rock, or…

Acrobatics With Attitude: Pole Troupe SEIÐR Bring The Drama, The Comedy, And The Sexy
Back in 2020 a group of pole dance students and instructors came together with a newly awakened thirst for performance….

Fight Like A Knight: Historical European Martial Arts in Reykjavík
About three times a week, the clang of heavy blades fills the halls of Laugardalsvöllur as the local knights of…

On The Fringes : Learn To Fight, And Have Fun Doing It
The first rule about Combat Arts? You don’t talk about Combat Arts… no wait, that’s ridiculous, because it’s exactly what…

Horotropes: The Fates and the Furious
by Charlie Winters and Catherine Magnúsdóttir
Racers, start your engines! This is it! The big race you’ve been training for, the one that’ll clear your family’s…

Fire Up Your Lightsaber and Become One With the Force!
The local force wielders present their Saber Academy for enthusiastic Padawans Do me a favor and imagine this intro flying…

This One’s For The Horse Girlies!
Saddle Up and Enjoy the Ride at Hestasnilld Giddyup and take the reins, it’s time to talk about horses! Iceland…

Look Alive, People: It’s time to go out and play
Role playing games of all sorts have made their way into the public consciousness in the last decade or two….

I’ve Got No Strings To Hold Me Down!
Ever wondered what the office of the god of creation might look like? After paying a visit to Pilkington Props,…

Get That High Fantasy Bling
Émilie Colliar crafts wearable treasure for all your cosplay needs Ever wanted to feel like a wood elf or Westeros…

These Are The Days Of Your Lives
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
You have some nerve showing your face around here — may as well read your horoscope Previously on Horotropes: After…

Give’Em The Old Razzle Dazzle
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
And a 5, 6, 7, 8… will you hit your mark or fall flat? The curtain rises. The stage is…

Horrortropes: Wild West Woes
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
Slap some bacon on a biscuit and let’s go! We’re burnin’ daylight! WOOOoooOOOooOOOOO. Waaaa waaa waaaaaa. Welcome to Reykjavik, the…

Horrortropes: The End is Noir
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
Horoscopes can’t be all bad, but these come the closest Case-4-24, it’s been sitting on your desk for a while….

Austentatious Predictions on Love
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
Will you swoon or sink in the month ahead? It’s all in the stars. It is a truth universally acknowledged…

Nocking It Out Of The Park At Iceland’s Archery Club
Who hasn’t at one point dreamt of dramatically pulling back their bowstring and hitting that impossible mark in the far-off…

Horrortropes: Fantastical Fortunes
by Catherine Magnúsdóttir and Charlie Winters
Don’t fear your fortune (or do, it’s up to you) The Dark Lord Skuggamyrkur’s armies are beating down the forces…

Calling All The Muses
Crafting comedy and crossing creative streams with Sindri Sparkle A poet, a painter and a drag queen walk onto the…

Everyone’s Crazy For Crochet
Slow Down And Try Not To Lose The Thread I thought I’d go easy on myself and my readers in…

For The Love Of All Things Medieval
Sword nerds unite at the Society for Creative Anachronism Hear Ye, Hear Ye! I bear thee news of much rejoicing…

Well, You Asked: A Bumpy Road Ahead
The Grapevine’s finest answer your most pressing questions Why are speed bumps the most terrible thing in Iceland? They might…

Well, You Asked: We’re Not Very Picky Around Here
The Grapevine’s finest answer your most pressing questions What is a food that even an Icelander won’t eat? Your Mo…nah….

Well, You Asked: Beautification Only A Thrall Would Love
The Grapevine’s finest answer your most pressing questions Why do all the city beautification projects end up looking like a…

Ask An Expert: Why do Icelanders Honour The Dead on Christmas?
We turned to a historian and a cemetery curator for answers If you’ve ever spent the holiday season in Iceland…