Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Photos & Video: Icelanders Demonstrate Against Child Deportations


Easily 1,000 Icelanders marched from Hallgrímskirkja church to the Austurvöllur square, in front of Parliament, to call upon the Icelandic…

Island Life: Explosives Wash Up, Ferry Crash, Wheelbarrow Travel


There’s a lot going on out there in the sleepy Icelandic countryside. To keep you up to date with the…

Settlement Reached In Valitor-Wikileaks Case


Concluding a legal battle which began about nine years ago, electronic payment giants Valitor have agreed to pay damages to…

Child Deportations In Iceland: Government Inaction In The Spotlight


All attention is turned now to the Minister of Justice, as numerous Icelandic groups call for an end to child…

Photos And Video: A Midnight Rainbow Over Iceland


A perfect combination of weather conditions, latitude and time of year created the unique phenomenon of the midnight rainbow in…

Icelanders Demand Government Action Over Words Regarding Refugee Children


The rhetoric from the party leading the government is strong, but many Icelanders believe Parliament can already take action to…

VIDEO: Know The Rules About Drone Use In Iceland


Many of both locals and tourists alike are either unaware of Iceland’s laws regarding drone use or ignore them, RÚV…

City Pulls Plug On Hot Dog Stand By Reykjavik Pool


In a break from Icelandic swimming tradition, the Department of Culture, Sports and Leisure for the City of Reykjavík have…

Impending Child Deportations From Iceland Troubling, Defy International Law, UNICEF Says


Two impending deportations are in direct violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF says, and…

Krispy Kreme Bids Adieu To Iceland


After barely three years in operation, the Krispy Kreme will be leaving Iceland at last, Vísir reports. There are three…

Having A Ball With Simon Le Bon: Duran Duran In Iceland

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If someone in Glasgow asks you if you are a Celtics or Rangers fan, simply stating that you don’t follow…

Poll: Government Loses Support; Conservatives And Pirates At The Top


According to the results of a new poll, most Icelanders would vote for either the Independence Party or the Pirate…

Eclipsing the Sun: Living Legends Take Laugardalur

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There are a few concerts which can be said to have changed the Icelandic pop landscape. One of these was…

For The First Time In 17 Years: Iceland Will Not Hunt Any Whales This Summer


The lack of any real market for whale meat has prompted Iceland’s whalers to forego the hunt this season, for…

Sounds From The Quiet Place: Composer Hafdís Bjarnadóttir Sees Music In Everything


Hafdís Bjarnadóttir has been performing, teaching and composing music for close to three decades now, diligently—and prodigiously—creating music for multiple…

Learn As You Listen: The Mussila Music School App Takes Off

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Mussila Music School is a new music learning app for children. Developed right here in Iceland, it makes learning music…

Most Voters For All Icelandic Parties (Except One) Very Worried About The Climate Crisis


The climate crisis is deeply troubling to voters of all parliamentary parties, with one notable exception, according to a new…

Massive Iceberg Spotted Close To Northwest Iceland


An iceberg nearly twice the size of the Kringlan mall has been spotted off the northwest coast of Iceland, but…

American Military Putting $57 Million Towards Icelandic Base


According to a declassified 2020 fiscal budget report from the US Department of Defense, the US military plans to spend…

“Sugar Tax” Possibly On The Horizon In Iceland


After previous attempts led to lukewarm results, the Directorate of Health is taking another stab at a sugar tax, which…

Sorry, Folks: “Veganesti” Is Not A Vegan Cookie


An unfortunate linguistic misunderstanding has led to a lot of people thinking this popular Icelandic cookie is vegan (spoilers: it…

Well, You Asked: Being British, Neighbour Feuds, Getting Stood Up


Got a problem that needs solving, a burning issue that needs addressing, a matter that needs settling? We at the…

“Free Speech Fund” Created In Wake Of Controversial Court Ruling


A controversial court ruling over libel has initiated the creation of a special fund aimed at providing assistance for those…

How To Kill A Sailor: Light A Cigarette With A Candle


You’re out clubbing. You step outside to the smoking area to get a much-needed dose of nicotine, but sadly, you’ve…

23 New Acts Announced In Iceland Airwaves Lineup

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Music festival Iceland Airwaves have now released their third lineup announcement. 23 new acts have been announced for the festival,…