Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Leaked Memo Created Within Ministry, Sources Contend


Sources within the Ministry of the Interior contend that a memo which leaked to select members of the press and…

“Nature Pass” To Be Submitted To Parliament


The Minister of Industry will soon submit to parliament a bill on a proposed “nature pass”, which would direct funds…

Conservatives Lead In City Election Poll


According to a new poll from the Social Sciences Department of the University of Iceland, the Independence Party currently has…

Most Icelanders Want To Vote On EU Talks


Most Icelanders – from every political party – want to vote on whether or not to complete accession talks with…

Says MP Being “Bullied”


Independence Party MP Elín Hirst told parliament she believes Progressive MP Vigdís Hauksdóttir is the victim of “bullying” by her…

Spilled Fish Cover Highway


Traffic on the Reykjanesbraut highway was delayed yesterday due to vast quantities of fish which fell off of a truck….

Neknomination For Charity


The Children’s Hospital has reportedly raised 1.7 million ISK through a “neknominate” campaign on Facebook. Vísir reports that Icelanders have been…

Protestors Want New Prosecutor


The nine protestors charged with disobeying police orders at the Gálgahraun lava field last October have asked that a new…

Most Icelanders Believe Officials Were Right To Attend Winter Olympics


A new poll from Market and Media Research (MMR) shows that most Icelanders agreed that the government officials who attended…

All Unions But One Settle On Collective Bargaining Agreement


All the unions but one that initially voted against a collective bargaining agreement struck between union leadership and employers have…

Police Offer Lost And Found Service


Capital area police have an Instagram account that features, amongst other things, lost items they happened upon to be claimed…

Ruling Coalition Wants To End EU Talks


Both parties of the ruling coalition have voted within their ranks to end accession talks with the European Union –…

Special Prosecutor Joins Ministry Investigation


Special Prosecutor Ólafur Hauksson is back, taking part in the criminal investigation of the Ministry of the Interior. DV reports that Ólafur –…

MP And Former Cop: Current Drug Policy “Doesn’t Work”


An MP for the Independence Party, himself a former police officer, says that Iceland’s current punitive policy towards drug use…

Justin Timberlake Performing In Iceland


Singer, actor and Tennessee native Justin Timberlake will be performing in Iceland this summer. RÚV reports that the concert will be…

Illegal To Scatter Ashes At Þingvellir


If you were thinking of having your ashes scattered at Þingvellir National Park, think again. Vísir reports that the Þingvellir Committee…

Integration Of Refugees Working Better In Reykjavík


Resources, cultural life and other factors are making the integration of asylum seekers easier in Reykjavík than in other parts…

Students Support Teachers’ Labour Struggle


Secondary school students in Laugarvatn showed up for school in T-shirts showing their support for the labour demands of their…

Proposal To Possibly End EU Talks In The Works


The ruling coalition is preparing a parliamentary proposal to unfreeze accession talks with the European Union – and possibly end…

Drug De-Criminalisation Discussion Picks Up


A conservative MP and members of the Pirate Party support the de-criminalisation of drugs in Iceland. Vísir reports that Independence Party…

British Financier Ready To Fund Power Cable From Iceland To Britain


Financier Edi Truell has gathered numerous investors who are ready to fund an undersea power cable from Iceland to the…

NATO Jets Disturb Residents, Wildlife


A resident of northwest Iceland is puzzled as to why fighter jets conducting NATO exercises insist on doing so over…

Interior Ministry To Be Investigated By Police


The State Prosecutor has reached a decision: the Interior Ministry will be investigated by the police in connection with a…

New E-Currency Made For Iceland To Debut Soon


A new cryptocurrency, Auroracoin, is set to debut in March, and everyone in Iceland will reportedly get their share. According…

Iceland Supported Torture Squads


The Icelandic government gave funding to a commando squad in Iraq that later turned out to be practicing torture. The…