From Iceland — Conservatives And Social Dems Neck-And-Neck In Reykjavik City Council Race

Conservatives And Social Dems Neck-And-Neck In Reykjavik City Council Race

Published April 10, 2018

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

Municipal elections are coming up next month, and a new poll from Fréttablaðið shows the Independence Party and the Social Democrats virtually tied in the lead.

According to the poll, about 28% of respondents who provided an answer to the poll said they would vote for the Independence Party if Reykjavík city council elections were held today. About 27% said they intended to vote for the Social Democrats. The Pirate Party and the Left-Greens each received about 11%, while the Reform Party got 8%. The Centre Party, the People’s Party and the Progressives each received at or around 4%.

By these results, the Independence Party and the Social Democrats would each win seven seats on Reykjavík’s 23-seat city council. The Pirates, the Left-Greens and the Reform Party would get two seats each, while the People’s Party, Centre Party and the Progressives would each get one seat.

As such, whether city council’s majority will swing to the right or remain on the centre-to-left is still uncertain.

1,316 people were called for the poll until 800 people had been reached. Of those, 60.8% responded to the caller, and were roughly evenly proportioned by sex and age. 8.3% said they did not intend to vote or would submit a blank ballot, 11.8% were undecided, and 21.7% did not want to answer the poll’s questions.

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