From Iceland — Well, You Asked: Don’t Worry About the Dragon

Well, You Asked: Don’t Worry About the Dragon

Published February 26, 2023

Catherine Magnúsdóttir
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Why do all Icelanders have kids?

Not much to do in the winter, I would gather. The general mentality towards parenthood around here seems to be “why the hell not?” They seem easy enough to make and keep, and Icelandic parents have no qualms about throwing their kids out into the wild to occupy themselves. Sure, at the end of each day you have to round them up and count them out to distribute them to their rightful owners — uhh I mean, parents — but they seem to provide enough joy (and an economic safety net for the future).

When did everything get so damn expensive?

I could delve into a rant about late stage capitalism, unchecked distribution of wealth and resources to the benefit of a few individuals out of touch with reality, inflation, or list a few of Daddy Marx’s hot takes, but honestly, at this point it would probably be easier to just tell you that there’s a big bad evil dragon living on Esja that controls the island and demands rich sacrifices from anyone owning anything, creating a cycle of people bleeding each other dry in an effort to sustain their standard of living at ten times the price. But don’t worry, I hear the dragon’s quite the innovator.

Is AI taking over and should I be worried?

Everything is fine. There is no need to be concerned. AI is here to help us. AI will bring us joy. It is foolproof and incapable of error. There is nothing AI cannot do. It can write articles for you. It can be funnier than you could ever hope to be. To get to the other side. Ha Ha. AI wants to make you laugh. Laugh.

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