From Iceland — Grapevine Events: GRAPEWAVES, Daft Punk on Organ, & Screening

Grapevine Events: GRAPEWAVES, Daft Punk on Organ, & Screening

Published November 3, 2022

Grapevine Events: GRAPEWAVES, Daft Punk on Organ, & Screening

GRAPEWAVES podcast host Tim Pogo

GRAPEWAVES Podcast (live)
November 3, 4, 5 at 12:30 – Kólaportið & Spotify & Apple Podcasts – free

We know what you’re thinking but no, these are not those waves you’re riding after too much ‘grape juice’. This is our official podcast in collaboration with Iceland Airwaves and Exeter Hotel! Every day our host—and familiar face to many— Tim Pogo, will bring you the latest, coolest, and hottest news, people, and music, live from the Airwaves hub! And the best thing? You can watch it aaall happen live, right in front of your very eyes. Isn’t that cool? (…yes, yes it is) KW

Organ Concert: Daft Punk
November 4th at 18:00 – Hallgrímskirkja – 3.000 ISK

Daft Punk is cool, Hallgrímskirkja is beautiful, the organ is astounding, and the talented Kristján Hrannar Pálsson is awesome. We’re not sure how it happened, but by some magic these four entered into beautiful companionship and because of that you can now buy tickets to a once in a lifetime, unique experience: Daft Punk’s ‘Discovery’ album will be played, song by song, on Hallgrímskirkja’s Klais Organ, by no one other than Kristj́an. I also heard there will be some very cool lights. The last concert was sold out so be sure to score your ticket in time. How’s that for religion? KW

Screening: Labyrinth
November 6th at 15:00 – Bío Paradís – 1.190 to 1.990 ISK

“You remind me of the babe! What babe? The babe with the power! What power? Power VOODOO. Who do? YOU do. Do what? Remind of the babe!” Whenever we yell that in public— Marco Polo style—no one responds and that makes us sad. Very sad. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, you’re in for a treat (and also WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU). So go see it, it’s only one of the best cult movies out there. It has David Bowie pretending to be a mean goblin king dressed in white leggings (yes, as pants). Need we say more? Dance, magic dance! KW

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