From Iceland — Well You Asked: How To Be Cool And Hot 101

Well You Asked: How To Be Cool And Hot 101

Published December 9, 2020

Well You Asked: How To Be Cool And Hot 101
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Got questions? We’ve got answers? Send all your burning queries to!

How old is too old to be sleeping with a stuffed animal?

If you can read this you’re too old.

Boys like me so much they don’t want to date me. What should I do?

Baby, I hate to say it, but it’s time for some tough love. There’s two explanations for what’s going on here. Either you’re so hot that the reason boys don’t wanna date you is because they’re only interested in marrying you (in which case, my advice is to just choose a hottie and lock him down).

However I highly, highly doubt this is the case. It’s more likely that you’re just a little bit…average. To combat this, you should try to make yourself more attractive and interesting. I could tutor you on how to be hotter but these classes are pretty pricey and I can just tell from the way you typed your question that you deffo can’t afford it. I can also tell that becoming more attractive is going to be a difficult feat, so maybe just focus on becoming more interesting. You can do this by picking up an intimidating-yet-sexy hobby like archery, maybe? Honestly, I don’t have much advice for you because I’m actually very pretty and also a model so I’ve never experienced this myself.

If I stay in the bath for long enough will I dissolve into a broth?

It depends. If you’re a snacccccc then hell yeah—come on in, the water’s fine! If not, then you’ll turn into a weird smelly mess and probably also get sucked down the plughole. Sorry to be the one to break it to you! Stay Strong! Xx <3

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