From Iceland — VIDEO: Banner Sends Clear Message To Polish Ambassador To Iceland

On October 23rd and 26th, Polish women and their supporters gathered at the Polish Embassy’s building in solidarity with protesters in Poland. Both gatherings were covered by Icelandic media, with hundreds of people showing up in solidarity. In this video, activist and union organiser Anna Marjankowska explains why a banner was hung across the street from the residence of the Polish Ambassador to Iceland.

By the decisions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe changed to a practical ban of abortion by criminalising procedures performed on the grounds of fetal defects – this ruling, which is final and binding, effectively bans pregnancy terminations.

The consequences of this decision are far-reaching: from the lack of funding and refusal of prenatal examination, lack of access to proper health care for women, criminalising and limiting the work of medics, to the social effects that impact the lives of people with uteruses.

“As Polish women that were able to move to, work and live in Iceland, we see our privilege of being able to make a living in a country that provides basic health services,” Anna tells us. “That lets us have gynecological examinations with relative ease, gives us bodily autonomy, lets us get help and be medically treated when we need it. In consequence, we feel free to work, to speak openly, build our lives and families according to our needs, and take part in politics.

“By organising solidarity actions in Reykjavik, we want to show our support to women and allies fighting for their lives and health in Poland, saying it loud: “Nigdy nie będziesz szła sama” (You will never walk alone, sister).”

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