From Iceland — Food Of Iceland: Hjónabandssæla

Food Of Iceland: Hjónabandssæla

Published August 28, 2019

Food Of Iceland: Hjónabandssæla
Photo by
Anna í eldhúsinu

The Icelandic model may seem odd from a foreign perspective, with cohabitation being a popular option for couples rather than marriage. In fact, it was recorded that only 30% of children in Iceland are born in wedlock. Yet there are still those few couples left that prefer a little thing called tradition.

They want to keep that special moment special and wait for the wedding bells. They have the sense to know that this experience isn’t something you share with just anyone, but with someone you actually love. That’s right, I’m talking about eating hjónabandssæla, the traditional Icelandic “happy marriage cake.”

With it’s melt-in-your mouth buttery oat crust and gooey rhubarb jelly centre, apparently it’s so good that people nowadays just eat it whenever they feel like it. I served it at my wedding—so trust me, I get the craze—but as much as you insatiable young folks would like to go out to town and get right to it, remember your values. Don’t let yourself fall to peer pressure next time you’re at a dinner party. Eat hjónabandssæla at your wedding—the way God intended.

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