From Iceland — Bishop To Take Part In Festival With Homophobic Preacher

Bishop To Take Part In Festival With Homophobic Preacher

Published August 28, 2013

Despite much public protest, Bishop of Iceland Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir intends to take part in a Christian festival that will also host anti-gay preacher Franklin Graham.
As reported, an event called the Festival of Hope will be held at the end of September. This festival is a gathering of different Christian groups in Iceland, and among the guests is Franklin Graham. Son of famed televangelist Billy Graham, Franklin is an outspoken opponent of gay rights, and news that he was a guest at the festival prompted a public outcry. The National Church issued an apology, saying that they had nothing to do with his being invited.
Despite these assurances, RÚV reports that the Bishop of Iceland will take part in the festival, giving a speech to attendees.
Agnes justified her participation in an interview with radio station Rás 2 today. There, she said that she had promised to deliver a speech long before she learned of Franklin’s involvement and, after giving the matter thought, decided to stand by her promise to take part.
Below, you can see Franklin Graham argue that gay marriage goes against God’s will, on account of “different plumbing”, while at the same time maintaining that he is “not homophobic.”

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