From Iceland — Icelandic Days Ends In Brawl

Icelandic Days Ends In Brawl

Published August 9, 2012

An Icelandic Days celebration in the US ended in a fistfight that involved law enforcement and the town’s mayor.
As many know, there are a number of North Americans of Icelandic descent in Canada and the US, mostly in the Plains region of both countries. It is not unusual for some of these communities to hold festivals celebrating their heritage.
The town of Mountain, North Dakota (population: 92, by a 2010 census), despite its small size, is a well-known community of Americans descended from Icelandic immigrants. This town celebrates Icelandic Days every year with a festival called “the Deuce” – during the first weekend in August, to be exact, which is when Icelanders celebrate their Merchants’ Holiday celebrations. Former prime minister Geir H. Haarde was a guest for Mountain’s Icelandic Days in 2007.
This year, things got a little out of control. It has been reported that the town’s mayor, Tim Moore, and others got involved in what became a police matter:

The sheriff’s office said Mayor Tim Moore, Tim David Moore Jr. and Thomas Moore were arrested just before 3:30 a.m. during the weekend-long August the Deuce celebration.
Acting Pembina County State’s Attorney Barb Whelan said Tim Moore was arrested for simple assault on a peace officer, preventing arrest and simple assault domestic violence.
Tim David Moore Jr. was arrested for preventing arrest and physical obstruction of a government function, and Thomas Moore was arrested for simple assault on a peace officer, preventing arrest and physical obstruction of a government function.

The three suspects have promised to appear in court to answer for their behaviour.

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