From Iceland — LOOK: It's Young Karin!

LOOK: It’s Young Karin!

Published November 7, 2014

Gabríel Benjamin
Photo by
Matthew Eisman

Young Karin (previously Highlands) have come a long way since we last spoke with them. Logi Pedro Stefánsson, who you might know from local legends Retro Stefson, says that they’ve been recording new songs which are less poppy and have a more dramatic flare to them. They’re planning to make a second EP, as they have plenty of material ready. Expect to hear a lot of plenty of new material, as well as popular hits such as “Hearts.”

You can catch Young Karin on the following dates this Airwaves:
November 7: Slippbarinn (off-venue) at 18:30, Gamla Bíó at 22:00
November 8: Landsbankinn Austurstræti (off-venue) at 15:40, Þjóðleikhúskjallarinn at 01:10

See Also:

Seven New Projects To Catch This Airwaves

Post-Set Breakdown With Highlands

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