From Iceland — LOOK: It's Momentum!

LOOK: It’s Momentum!

Published November 5, 2014

Gabríel Benjamin
Photo by
Matthew Eisman

Local progressive metal champions Momentum have been going strong for eleven years. Tonight at 23:20, they’re playing their sole Airwaves gig at Gaukurinn, and as their live shows are the stuff of legend, you better make time for that.

Momentum are the inaugural feature of our fancy new LOOK series, which will be running on throughout Airwaves. For LOOK, we are collaborating with master photographer Matthew Eisman, who set up a nifty portrait studio at our office. We’ll be inviting some of our favourites to sit for portraits with Matt throughout the duration of the festival, posting the results on our site so you’ll have beautiful things to look at, and to remind you to catch shows by whatever artists we feature.

As for Momentum, they have had very a busy 2014, touring through France and the Netherlands along with performing at the Roadburn Festival and Neskaupsstaður’s Eistnaflug metal bash. Their second LP is due out early next year through the Norwegian Dark Essence Records, and as such, about half of their set will consist of new shit. They originally started as an extreme black and death metal band, but have since gone to explore more diverse paths, as bass player Hörður Ólafsson remarks: “We go from playing clean and beautiful indie rock songs with triple harmonies, to heavy progressive stuff that’s just bloody noise.”

This is Momentum’s only Airwaves show, so be sure to check them out.

Momentum - Iceland Airwaves 2014 Portrait

See Also:

Eye Of The Storm


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