From Iceland — President Will Run Again, Maybe Not For Full Term

President Will Run Again, Maybe Not For Full Term

Published March 5, 2012

Icelandic president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has announced that he will run for president again this year. However, he added that he might end his term early, if elected.
The president insinuated earlier this year that he would have a lot more freedom to pursue issues close to his heart were he to abstain from running again. Many took this to mean that he might stay out of the race this year, but the president refused to answer the question directly. The president did enjoy high levels of support, though, but nonetheless remained silent on the issue of his possible candidacy, until now.
The president announced yesterday that he will run again this year, RÚV reports. He said that while he fully intended to quit, he had given the matter some thought over the weekend, and decided that there was a strong call from the people for him to run again. This is based in part on a petition of 30,000 signatures calling for him to run, and presented to him last week.
Another part of his decision is based on Iceland’s impending accession into the European Union, saying, “I think the president cannot sit by when it comes to the future of the sovereignty of Iceland, as he is the highest elected representative that the republic has.”
However, the president added that he might decide not to serve a full term, but decide instead to turn to other matters before his four years are up. Should he serve his full term, however, this would make him president of Iceland for 20 years.

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