From Iceland — Bjarni Benediktsson Might Step Down

Bjarni Benediktsson Might Step Down

Published April 12, 2013

Rex Beckett

Chairman of the Independence Party Bjarni Benediktsson says he might be stepping down from the upcoming elections, according to an interview last night on RÚV.
The Independence Party’s numbers are down according to the most recent Gallup polls, coming in at just 18.9%. In addition, a recent survey published by Viðskiptablaðið shows that the party’s popularity would increase with Vice Chairwoman and former mayor of Reykjavík Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir as leader. Incidentally, Bjarni’s popularity has risen slightly since revealing that he may step aside, Vísir reports.
Bjarni will announce his final decision on the matter either today or tomorrow.
The polls currently show the Progressive Party in the lead at 30.9%, followed by the Independence Party, the Social-Democrats at 12.6%, Bright Future at 10.9%, the Left-Greens at 8.8%, the Pirate Party at 5.6% and all others under the remaining 5%.

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