From Iceland — Wild Rabbits Becoming Serious Problem

Wild Rabbits Becoming Serious Problem

Published August 27, 2010

Residents of Elliðaárdal are said to be contributing to a booming population of wild rabbits which are reaching problematic numbers.
The rabbit problem began with one person releasing several rabbits they kept as pets into the outdoors. Remarkably, the rabbits thrived – and reproduced. It was later discovered that their survival and heartiness was due in large part to local residents leaving food out for the rabbits to eat.
The number of rabbits has now reached such a level that some residents in the area are calling them a plague. Apart from the numerous holes they dig, being rodents, rabbits need to gnaw; and gnaw they do, through fences, decks, and lawn furniture. They have even gnawed through tree roots, RÚV reports, causing the trees permanent damage.
Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that there are people still feeding the rabbits. Namely, children enjoy giving them carrots. The rabbits are apparently unafraid of humans, and readily accept food.
Reykjavík city council has received numerous complaints about the rabbits, as they confirmed to the press. An official plan of action in how to deal with the rabbits is still pending.

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