missing in iceland — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Secret Solstice Friday RECAP: Hashtag Problem, Hashtag Zzz, And Not A Chance In Hel


The Secret Solstice music festival breaks fresh ground in Icelandic history in two ways. For starters, it is the first…

Teaching Hillbillies to Appreciate Music: Borko on Music and Small Town Life


I stalk my interviewee from my window, waiting for an unfamiliar car to leave. When the coast is clear, I…

Bless Bless Danny Dog


My children and I moved to Iceland, from England, just over one week ago after a year of meticulous careful…

Ram Breaks In, Steals Nothing


Police in South Iceland, a normally quiet swath of the country when compared to the bustling metropolis of the capital…

Brooklyn Bar, We Need To 718


Brooklyn is a hodgepodge of a hundred different nationalities, ethnicities and customs and does not present a single unified presence….

Pink Street Boys Are Dangerous, Loud, Irreverent


During a break between songs, a friend shouts into my ear, “They are too loud!” I try to respond, but…

Choreographer Damien Jalet on making ‘BLÆÐI: obsidian pieces’


This month, Iceland Dance Company will present ‘BLÆÐI: obsidian pieces’ as part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival. The show is…

Leoncie Claims Gay Rights Association Is Behind Death Threats


That’s a bold headline. Well, in fact, it’s a bold claim. This 20 minute interview with Leoncie put me in…

Who Knew Banking Was Really About Dead Cats?


The Reykjavik District Court is now one week into what has been dubbed the “large Kaupthing market manipulation case.” So…

Is The Fear of Showering Naked Preventing Tourists From Enjoying The Best Iceland Has To Offer?


Visits to the great public pools of Reykjavík have not increased anywhere near as much as city officials would have…

Every Icelandic Hotdog Condiment Combination, Rated — Part 1

by and

You asked for it. We did it. We’ve all been there: standing in front of Bæjarins Beztu with our gaping mouths…

Easter Opening Hours: April 2-6


Icelanders may be a bunch of blasphemous heathens, but they take their five-day Easter holiday very seriously. From Skírdagur (Holy Thursday) to Annar í…

Food Review: Kolabrautin – Pain And Gain


The first thing you see when you walk into Kolabrautin is a neon sign that says “Scandinavian Pain.” The sign…

Bankers Behind Bars: Is Iceland Living Up To That Meme


One frequently encounters foreigners who believe that Iceland offers a unique model of how to deal with a financial crash….

Don’t Ask Nanna: How To Survive Icelandic Animal Attacks


Kære Nanna, How do you survive if you meet wild animals in your country? Tak! A Friendly Danish Neighbour Dear…

Sjálfsbjörg Caseworker On Strætó’s Incompetence: Driving In Circles


When an eighteen-year-old girl with severe development disabilities went missing for seven hours in early February, people were naturally worried….

Third Time’s The Charm


A Review Of walk+talk ReykjavíkThis past weekend I attended ‘walk+talk’ at Borgarleikhúsið as part of the Reykjavík Dance Festival (RDF)….

DJ Steindór Jónsson On Good Taste And The Reykjavík Club Scene


He’s performed in nightclubs and at festivals in Iceland, Denmark and in Germany. He is playing at Sónar Reykjavík for the…

When Ulysses Comes a-Knockin


Debates on Monday #21 It is quiet, isn’t it? I mean Iceland. It’s suspiciously quiet. There’s this saying that if…

Selfie Nation


Inspired by Foreign Journalists, Part II“The untamed, distant and cool Iceland” “A few reasons why Iceland is the best place…



Iceland’s latest food trendsA Shit Sandwich Of Gloom Lorded over by the most bumblingly inefficient government in recent memory, people…