From Iceland — Kristrún Frostadóttir Receives The Mandate To Form Government

Kristrún Frostadóttir Receives The Mandate To Form Government

Published December 3, 2024

Photo by
Micah Garen / Supplied

Kristrún Frostadóttir, leader of the Social Democratic Alliance, attended a meeting with President of Iceland Halla Tómasdóttir at Bessastaðir around 10:00, reports RÚV. Halla Tómasdóttir has granted Kristrún the mandate to form Iceland’s next parliamentary government.

Kristrún says the results of the election were clear, with three parties achieving the most success. Along with the Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylking), these were the Liberal Reform Party (Viðreisn) and the People’s Party (Flokkur Fólksins). She plans to meet with the leaders of these parties immediately after noon.

Kristrún is optimistic that the three parties can work together. She believes there is a basis for agreement, even though the parties have different focuses. The parties should be able to come together to resolve many major issues.

“I wouldn’t be embarking on this journey unless I believed it could be successful,” says Kristrún.

She did not respond when asked whether she is claiming the position of Prime Minister.

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