A 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck just west of Grímsey island on the morning of April 18, visir.is reports. The earthquake occurred at a depth of ten kilometers and was followed by several aftershocks with magnitudes over two.
According to local resident Bjarki Sigurðsson, there have been numerous earthquakes in the region since a big earthquake earlier this month. While there were a few smaller earthquakes just prior to the 4.2 magnitude earthquake, the aftershocks were significantly larger. None of the aftershocks measured over three on the Richter scale, but the largest reached 2.6.
The earthquake and its aftershocks were felt by residents of nearby towns and villages. Fortunately, there have been no reports of significant damage or injuries.
Iceland is no stranger to seismic activity, as it sits atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary. The island experiences thousands of earthquakes every year, most of which go unnoticed. However, larger earthquakes like this one can cause concern among locals and tourists alike.
Authorities are urging residents to remain calm and stay informed about any potential risks. They also remind everyone to be prepared with emergency supplies and a plan in case of future earthquakes or other natural disasters.
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