From Iceland — Women In The Public Sphere Are At Greater Risk Of Harassment Or Violence

Women In The Public Sphere Are At Greater Risk Of Harassment Or Violence

Published September 2, 2022

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According to a new study, women are at very different risk of sexual harassment or violence depending on the workplace, reports Fréttablaðið. Shift workers are more at risk than day workers.

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People who work in the public sector are at the highest risk of sexual harassment or violence. Shift work and irregular working hours are major risk factors, says a new study compiled from data from the Women’s Trauma History project and published in the Lancet health journal yesterday. The main goal of the study was to examine sexual harassment and violence in Icelandic women’s workplaces and risk factors.

“Women who work shift work or have irregular working hours are more likely to experience sexual harassment and violence in the workplace than women who only work during the day. Women in such workplaces are more likely to be alone with a potential perpetrator. It is important to consider this when we look at how to improve the safety of women in the workplace,” says Edda Björk Þórðardóttir, lecturer in public health sciences at the University of Iceland and one of the authors of the study.

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