From Iceland — Lars The Bear Returned To Bullseye Darts After Brief Kidnapping

Lars The Bear Returned To Bullseye Darts After Brief Kidnapping

Published August 31, 2022

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Lars, a giant stuffed panda bear who was kidnapped over the weekend, has been returned to his home at Bullseye Reykjavík, reports Vísir.

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Someone had a little too much fun and grabbed Lars as they left the business on Snorrabraut. Lars is quite large, but the thief still managed to sneak him past the staff and doormen of the place.

Skorri Höskuldsson, the site’s operations manager, received a number of tips about Lars’ whereabouts after he posted an advertisement. One tip stated that a boy posted a photo of Lars on Instagram that night.

“There was a name attached to it, so I contacted a police officer who is on the national team in darts and a regular at Bullseye. I asked him to go into the case but said that if Lars returned there would be no repercussions,” says Skorri.

When Skorri arrived for work on Sunday, he was on the upper floor of the building. Then he heard someone suddenly open the door of the place.

“I went down the stairs and there Lars was waiting for me. The person in question has taken care of and returned Lars,” says Skorri.

Lars is happy to be home and there is a big reunion going on at Bullseye right now. Lars’s popularity has also skyrocketed since he returned from his adventure.

“I had a group from the rescue team with me and they were all taking pictures with Lars and hugging him. It’s not just the employees who are happy to see him,” says Skorri.


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