From Iceland — Health Minister Considering Still More Pandemic Restriction Relaxations

Health Minister Considering Still More Pandemic Restriction Relaxations

Published February 1, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
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Minister of Health Willum Þór Þorsson is considering whether to institute greater relaxations of pandemic restrictions as soon as this Friday, RÚV reports.

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Some of the changes being considered are reducing isolation times for those who test positive for the coronavirus from seven days to five, and whether to ease up restrictions on seated events. As it is now, seated events must ensure a one-metre distance between guests, and that they are masked.

“We’re just having a conversation about this, the last time this morning, and we’re comparing our situation to other countries and what is safe to do,” he told reporters. “We have these seven days [of isolation] and it’s a question of whether we can relax this a bit.”

Willum says he will confer with health care centres and the chief epidemiologist on whether or not further easing of restrictions can be made on Friday, adding that it is too early for him to confirm this one way or the other right now.

Domestic pandemic restrictions were relaxed only a few days ago, but organisers of seated events such as concerts have complained that the current restrictions are tantamount to “a death sentence” for ticket sales.

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