From Iceland — Support For #MeToo Movement Varies Greatly By Party Affiliation, Age And Gender

Support For #MeToo Movement Varies Greatly By Party Affiliation, Age And Gender

Published January 31, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Art Bicnick

According to a new poll conducted by Maskína, support for the #MeToo movement varies greatly amongst respondents depending on their party affiliation, age and gender, Kjarninn reports.

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The poll was conducted from January 14th through 19th, with 815 responding in all. As a whole, support for the #MeToo declined from 70.5% in 2018 to 60.4% today. Those with no strong opinion one way or the other increased, from 12.9% to 15.5%.

Support for the movement varied greatly by demographics such as party affiliation, education level, gender and age.

For example, voters for the Centre Party (perhaps unsurprisingly) were the least supportive, with only 19.5% believing the movement is good for Icelandic society. Only about 38% of voters for the People’s Party and the Independence Party said they believed the same. The most supportive of the #MeToo movement were voters for the Pirate Party (86.4%), followed close behind by Social Democrats, at 83.2%. Support was also high amongst voters for the Left-Greens (77.6%), the Socialist Party and the Reform Party (72.5% each). Progressive Party voters were nearly evenly split on the issue, with 54.8% voicing support for #MeToo.

54.3% of men and 66.9% of women overall said they believe the movement is good for Icelandic society, but there were also variations in age. 71.9% of those aged 18 through 29 support the movement, compared to just 51% of those aged 60 or older.

Education also appeared to be another mitigating factor. Support was highest, at 74.1%, amongst those with a university degree, as opposed to 48.3% of those who had only completed a primary school education. Those who completed secondary school or trade school were mostly supportive, with 57.4% of those respondents saying they believed the #MeToo movement was good for Icelandic society.

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