A non-fatal, but certainly unpleasant, coughing infection has been detected in numerous capital area dogs, RÚV reports.
There have been dozens of such reports of the cough amongst dogs, and is commonly known as “kennel cough”, or canine infectious tracheobronchitis.
An announcement from the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority advises dog owners to pay attention to the symptoms of the illness–i.e., coughing, runny nose and eyes, and in some cases a lack of energy or appetite. If one’s dog shows these symptoms, it is important to keep it isolated until it recovers.
Most dogs recover from kennel cough after a few days without serious illness. However, some dogs can get sicker from it, and will show symptoms such as difficulty breathing and fever, which in a dog means a body temperature of 39.2°C or higher. If one’s dog shows these symptoms, MAST advises bringing it to the vet immediately.
“It is important to have in mind that if people need to bring their dogs to the vet, that they call ahead, and keep the dog in their car before they enter the vet’s office and announce their arrival,” MAST pet veterinarian Þóra Jónasdóttir told reporters. “You do not at all want to bring in the dog and perhaps infect a lot of other dogs. The infection is very contagious and can be transmitted through the air by coughs and sneezes.”
Dogs in Iceland are commonly vaccinated against kennel cough, but vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs alike are becoming infected with the illness, in uncommon numbers. As such, research is being conducted at the University of Iceland to determine the cause of the illness in this case.
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