From Iceland — Ólafsson Gin Available In Seattle's Popular Cocktail Bar

Ólafsson Gin Available In Seattle’s Popular Cocktail Bar

Published November 8, 2021

Reetta Huhta
Photo by

The Icelandic Ólafsson gin is now available in Seattle, at Bathtub Gin & Co., reports Vísir. It is said to be of Seattle’s most popular cocktail bars.

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Ólafsson’s expansion to the United States began this autumn and the gin is now available in seven states in North America. The company is owned by American and Icelandic investors.

An announcement from the company states that customers of one of Seattle’s most popular cocktail bars can now order drinks made with Icelandic gin. The bar specializes in gin-based drinks and has an ample amount of different gins on its shelves around the world.

Ólafsson gin has now won a gold medal in five foreign competitions and a platinum prize in one.

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