From Iceland — Two New Eruptions Opened At Geldingadalur This Morning

Two New Eruptions Opened At Geldingadalur This Morning

Published April 13, 2021

Photo by
Art Bicnick

New fissures opened up at the eruption site in Geldingadalur this morning, on either side of the crater that opened at midnight on the 2nd day of Easter.

This is stated on the Facebook page of the Volcano and Natural History Group of the South.

Ný gosop!

Tvö ný gosop opnuðust á sprungunni nú rétt í þessu, sitthvoru megin við þann gíg sem opnaðist að miðnætti á…

Posted by Eldfjalla- og náttúruvárhópur Suðurlands on Tuesday, April 13, 2021

It states that the eruption cracks were seen opening on one of the livestreams of the eruption site. The one closest to Geldingadalur opened just before 8:40, but the northern one opened about 10 minutes later.

Be careful!

The police in Suðurnes remind that it is forbidden to park vehicles on and by Suðurstrandarvegur.

It is also reminded that until noon, there are no responders in the eruption area to measure gas pollution and respond to accidents.

Responders are on duty from noon to midnight. Police can, without notice, block all traffic to the eruption sites.

Góðan dag.

Bannað er að leggja ökutækjum á og við Suðurstrandarveg. Leggja skal bílum á skipulögðum stæðum neðan…

Posted by Lögreglan á Suðurnesjum on Tuesday, April 13, 2021

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