From Iceland — New Regulation Proposals Submitted To The Minster Of Health

New Regulation Proposals Submitted To The Minster Of Health

Published March 15, 2021

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Screenshot / VÍSIR

Þórólfur Guðnason, the chief epidemiologist, has submitted new proposals regarding disease control measures to the Svandís Svavarsdóttir, the Minister of Health.

This was confirmed in an interview this morning on Bítin á Bylgjan.

New rules to follow

The current regulations are in effect until 17th March, two days from now. The new regulations will take immediate effect.

As per usual, Þórólfur does not want to give information about what the regulations entail but he has stated that there aren’t many relaxations.

He said that we must take into account what happened last week, where the virus leaked through the border.

“This was the only case that came up there and spread, that we were on the verge of getting a bigger spread. I think we should take it easy, because we can and are getting infected at the border, even though we are trying to do everything we can, it can creep in and it doesn’t take much, “says Þórólfur.

Sharpening the rules

Þórólfur spoke about how the new rules will be sharper than the previous, so that there is less chance of a fourth wave.

“We are trying to spot weaknesses in our system and make it so that it is not particularly burdensome for people. I think the situation here in Iceland is not very burdensome, in my opinion, “he says.

The borders remain open

When asked whether the border will close, Þórólfur stated this would not be possible.

“In my opinion, we can never close the border. We have Icelanders abroad, we have Icelanders who need to go abroad,” says the epidemiologist. “We have the necessary services where people have to come in here, where people have to provide services that Icelanders cannot do, and we need to have exemptions for such groups, so I can not see that we can for example, just close the border until it’s done in the world, I have a hard time imagining it.”

The regulations at the border remain in effect until May 1st and various discussions are being held to change the arrangement when the time is right.

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