From Iceland — The Imagine Peace Tower Lights Up For Lennon’s Birthday

Photo by
Art Bicnick

Although travel to Viðey Island is currently restricted due to Covid, the Imagine Peace Tower will be relit tonight (October 9), to celebrate the late, great John Lennon’s 80th birthday.

Yoko Ono had the Imagine Peace Tower erected in memory of her husband in 2007, to symbolise Lennon and Ono’s campaign for world peace. The tower is lit to celebrate and mark special dates throughout the year.

Video by Cat Guidry-Beck

After being lit at around 8pm tonight, the Tower will continue to be lit every night until December 8.

The light, which shines directly up into the sky, can be seen form Reykjavik, so be sure to watch from the warmth and comfort of your own homes tonight.

Find out more about the Imagine Peace Tower or watch the switch on, live HERE and HERE

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