From Iceland — Weather In Iceland This Week: Starts Like Winter, Ends Like Autumn

Weather In Iceland This Week: Starts Like Winter, Ends Like Autumn

Published January 14, 2019

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Art Bicnick

Low temperatures and snow are going to be prominent through most of the week, but as the weekend approaches, the winter weather will give way to more autumn-like conditions.

According to the latest forecast on the weather ahead, winter has at last arrived. Snow, already on the ground in Reykjavík and elsewhere, will continue to fall across the south and the east of the country through the week.

Wind speeds will range from 10 to 15 metres per second across western Iceland tomorrow, with calmer conditions in the eastern half. On Wednesday, the sun will shine brightly across South Iceland, with temperatures a few degrees below zero, with the snow mostly confining itself to the Highlands.

Thursday is going to be downright bone-chilling all over Iceland, with the possible exception of the south, as temperatures are expected to drop as low as -10° to -13°, with snow pouring down on the southeast. These conditions are expected to last through Friday.

Come Saturday, though, any snow that may have managed to stick to the ground may be swept away. Temperatures are expected to rise above zero again at that time, along with moderate winds but steady rain, more heavily falling in the south especially.

It is often said that in Iceland, one can experience two or three seasons in a single day. This will be your chance to experience winter moving backwards into autumn over the course of a week.

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