We sure had a rollicking good time at Airwaves, as our many reviews of the festival can attest. We also launched a podcast specifically for the festival, where we talked with artists about their highs and lows, their struggles and triumphs, and the rollercoaster ride that is participating in an international music festival.
Below you can listen to all our podcasts from Airwaves. Nurse that post-Airwaves comedown with the dulcet tones of interviews with artists.
You can also find it on iTunes
GrapeWaves Podcast #1: DJ Tim Pogo from the US talks with Bára Gísaladóttir:
GrapeWaves Podcast #2: Hugar, Keychange & David Fricke:
GrapeWaves Podcast #3: CrazyWaves With Reykjavíkurdætur & More:
GrapeWaves Podcast #4: Festival Wrap Up with Ólafur Arnalds, JFDR & More:
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