After just over 13 months of being on unfamiliar ground, Bæjarins Bestu – Reykjavík’s most famous hot dog stand – is now back at its original location.
The hot dog stand so famous that even tour guides take visitors to it, it has sat on the northeast corner of Tryggvagata and Pósthússtræti since 1937. All that changed in July of last year, however, when it was moved to the northwest corner of the intersection.
Amazingly, this did not throw the entire town into a state of panic and chaos; locals quickly adjusted to the radical change in the city’s landscape, and first-time visitors simply knew no better.
Yesterday, things went back to the way they were meant to be, when the stand was returned to its rightful spot on the northeast corner. The occasion was so momentous, in fact, that even Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson posted about it.
The entire country – or at the very least, the town – can now breathe a collective sigh of life at the return to normalcy.
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