The Reykjavík Artificial Intelligence Festival begins tomorrow, ready to address both the fears and misconceptions about AI’s impact on our daily lives.
The event, held by the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM), will feature a series of lectures on the subject, followed by a party that will showcase “a glimpse of some of the most advanced products, services and research in the field of AI” and tech in Iceland.
“The lasts 5 years have seen interest in artificial intelligence and related technologies grow beyond specialist groups,” a statement from the organisers reads in part. “Entering the consciousness and daily lives of the general public via the media, as well as its application in products offered by Facebook, Apple, Tesla, and Google. With so many interested in the potential of artificial intelligence, attention is on whether these new technologies can deliver the benefits many have predicted. Journalists don’t seem to get tired of writing about the dangers of AI for society and humanity, but do people believe it?”
All this and more will be covered at the University of Reykjavík, Lecture Hall V101, from 13:30 to 17:00 tomorrow. The party afterwards will also feature live music from “Live Coding” musician Hlöðver Sigurðsson from Berlin. The full schedule is as follows, and is open to everyone:
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