One of the original mission statements of Iceland Airwaves was to get international eyes and ears tuned to the musical incubation station that is Iceland. It worked. The festival has seeped into international interest. These days it is not unlikely to see Airwaves coverage popping up in Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, or basically any piece of press that considers themselves culturally reliable. The smart performers take advantage of this surge of attention by timing album, EP and video releases to coincide with the festival.
So, as the festival tide starts to make its way onto the shore, what new pieces do we have to dip our toes into?
Hot off the press is an EP and video release from Alexander Jarl. You might recognize this face from our special ‘Airwaves Edition’ cover, which featured 9 of the 50 Airwaves debutante acts. Jarl is new on the festival scene but he comes in with drive. You can read it in the name—‘Aldrei Sáttur’ translates to ‘Never Satisfied,’ in English—and you can watch it in the video, a high-qual slow-pan production by Jarl and by extension, Jarl $quad.
It’s a quick three-piece dip into the sea of Icelandic rap. The songs are produced by Helgi Ársæll and written/rapped by Alexander Jarl.
The EP ‘Aldrei Sáttur’ is available now on Spotify. Catch Jarl’s Airwaves sets Friday November 3 at Húrra and Saturday November 5 at Valshöllin.
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