The week’s weather forecast for the capital area shows mostly clear skies and scorching temperatures (by Icelandic standards anyway).
If you’re in the capital area right now, and expect to be so through the week, you’re in luck. The Icelandic Met Office is forecasting mostly to partly sunny skies, light winds, and positively furnace-like temperatures ranging from 12°C to 18°C.
In fact, if you take a look at the country as a whole, most of the country will be experiencing much the same level of fine summer weather, with the exception of the northeast – a region of the country normally known for higher temperatures and sunnier skies than the rest of Iceland in the summer.
As such, locals are currently outdoors exposing their skin to precious sunlight, eating ice cream by the kilo, and generally trying their best to stay cool during this scorching heat wave.
Now is the perfect week for doing all that outdoor stuff you’ve been putting off and blaming the rain for not doing. Get outside and enjoy while it lasts!
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