Two men caught on film throwing a sofa off of a cliff and into the sea have been located and fined.
Vísir reports that the two men, who were caught on film last October unloading a sofa from a Land Cruiser and throwing it from the Krísuvíkurbjarg cliffs, have both been found. They were each made to pay 30,000 ISK for the act.
Unfortunately, the sofa will remain where it was thrown. Its current location has rendered any possible retrieval far too dangerous for the risks involved. As such, their sofa is now a permanent part of the seaside.
In an interview with Vísir, the two men explained their actions as being “foolishness”.
As reported, a photographer, who wishes to remain anonymous, was at the pristine cliffs last October taking pictures of the sunset, when he noticed the arrival of a Land Cruiser.
“I thought at first they were coming to take pictures, because they were taking furniture out of the car,” said the photographer. “Then I heard this noise, looked back, and saw they were throwing it off the cliffs.”
The photographer said at least one sofa and two chairs were thrown over the side and into the sea.
Strangest of all, the photographer points out that it is not exactly a short drive to the Krísuvíkurbjarg cliffs from any of the nearby towns, and that a local recycling centre that could take this furniture is considerably easier to get to.
Reporters contacted police on the matter, who confirmed that in addition to a minimal fine of “some thousand krónur”, people who toss out garbage in natural areas are often made to clean up after themselves. Those clean-up plans will, however, not be in the works.
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