From Iceland — Woman Breaks Leg, Wins Limbo Contest, Parties All Night

Woman Breaks Leg, Wins Limbo Contest, Parties All Night

Published January 19, 2016

York Underwood
Photo by
Rósa Ásgeirsdóttir
Art Bicnick

Most of the Grapevine staff are what doctors would call “problem drinkers.” Last Friday, we held The Grapevine Music Awards, or #grapeawards, or #grapewards (we are still getting used to social media). We couldn’t call it the GMAs because the hashtag belongs to Good Morning America and we couldn’t call it GMA2015 because that belongs to the Ghana Movie Awards (a movie awards show which fails to represent white actors and has been boycotted by Mel Gibson for its entire existence).

At #grapeawards/#grapewards, we held an impromptu limbo competition to giveaway Sónar Music Festival tickets (we were running late and we needed something to make us more late). The winner was Rósa Ásgeirsdóttir, the skilled limbist and drinking enthusiast. What many people didn’t realize was that she broke her leg midway through the competition, but kept going. She really wanted those tickets.

“I really wanted that ticket,” said Rósa. “I had finished two rounds and I was really happy, but suddenly the stage just ended. I was pretty drunk. I fell off the stage. I broke my leg. I actually said ‘Ahhh, I broke my leg,’ and other people said ‘you broke your leg,’ but I just got back on stage.”

The limbo contest was cramped onto the Húrra stage, which was covered with cords and spilled beer.

“I moved on through the different rounds and I won!” Rósa said enthusiastically. “I went to the doctor and they told me I had broken two bones in my left leg.”

Rósa’s cast will be on for 4 to 6 weeks, but hopefully it won’t interfere with her time at Sónar.

“Actually, I didn’t go to the doctor’s until the morning after. I stayed at Húrra until 5 am drinking.”

On Sunday, she had to perform a one-woman-show at Kex Hostel for 100 kids where she played Dorothy from OZ.

We love her.

PS – Special thanks to Omar, Gylfi and the gang at for hooking us up with a sweet limo-bus to transport the winners of the TRGVMA’16.

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