This week, the weekend especially, promises to be unusually hot for parts of Iceland that normally do not reach such temperatures.
According to the 5-day forecast from the Icelandic Met Office, west Iceland – especially the greater Reykjavík area – will see temperatures from 18°C to 22°C this weekend, with temperatures ranging between 16°C and 18°C for at least the rest of the week.
Normally, it’s the northeast of Iceland that experiences such tropical temperatures in the summer, while Reykjavík will hover in the 10°C to 12°C range. In fact, the past two summers in the capital have been decidedly cool and cloudy, although 2012 was fairly nice.
The Grapevine encourages all capital area residents to get out of their homes and enjoy this as much as you possibly can while it lasts. As reported, a particularly cool and windy summer is predicted for much of the country, with Reykjavík likely to bear the brunt, as the predicted cold will be due to a combination of low sea temperatures and wind.
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