From Iceland — At The University Of Iceland, Support For #FreetheNipple Is Subtle, Yet Firm

At The University Of Iceland, Support For #FreetheNipple Is Subtle, Yet Firm

Published March 26, 2015

Anna Manning
Photo by
Stefanie Mnich

You might have noticed that the internet has been collectively LOSING IT’S FREAKING MIND over the #FreeTheNipple movement. With the exception of some initial hurtful comments (cf. Red Pill), the movement has sparked an uncharacteristically supportive and positive response from all over (Mark Zuckerberg notwithstanding). Over the past 48 hours, #freethenipple has been a platform for much needed discussions on nudity, breastfeeding, revenge porn, and why it’s sexual if a women’s nipples harden in the cold but not a man’s.

In solidarity with #freethenipple events at local high schools and in celebration of this public outburst of support for a women’s issue, the Feminist Association at the University of Iceland hosted its own Free The Nipple Day and invited women to dress how they wanted: in transparent or turtleneck shirts and bra optional. On Facebook 1,500 people said they were going (there were also 12 ‘maybes’), so we decided to make the short trip and document a feminist revolution in the making.

Tt turns out most women at HÍ feel most comfortable wearing their everyday clothes. We spoke to some students involved to better understand the understated rebellion on display.

Heiður Anna Helgadóttir

University of Iceland Feminist Association President and Art History Student

“It’s about doing whatever you want: you can come to school not wearing a bra. It’s giving a “fuck you” to the patriarchy.”


Agnes Jónasdóttir

University of Iceland Feminist Association Board Member and History Student

It’s about reminding people that it’s the same organ that men have and is not sexual.


Ásrún Ísleifsdóttir

University of Iceland Feminist Association Public Relations Officer and Business Administration Student

I should be allowed to sunbathe topless, and when I have kids should be able to feed them whenever and wherever I want.


Nanna Hermannsdóttir

#freethenipple Organiser and Economics Student

I’ve been thinking about this for 2-3 years and wanted to do something about it. The girl who posted the first picture is my best friend, but it’s something that’s important to most girls.


Hrafnhildur Edda Magnúsdóttir

Pre-Med Student

We have the right to control our body as for what we choose to reveal is our own choice. We are humans and should have equal rights to free what we want to free.


Alice Bower

Folkloristics Student

I came hoping to free nipples to the max, but no one was doing it and I didn’t want to embarrass the teacher. Yesterday, I asked another girl if this means that we can really go topless and she thought so.


Haraldur Þór Hammer Haraldsson

Archeology Student

I just think it’s really appropriate and thought provoking. It’s about desexualising the nipple so women can breast feed in public without embarrassment.


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