From Iceland — MP: Freedom Of Speech Being Trampled On

MP: Freedom Of Speech Being Trampled On

Published February 18, 2015

Nanna Árnadóttir
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Independence Party MP, Ásmundur Friðriksson, said he was worried about freedom of speech in Iceland, during a speech to parliament yesterday, reports Vísir.

“In neighbouring countries there’s an open discussion about the dangers that are being faced by the free world and open societies due to attacks by extremist individuals,” said Ásmundur in his speech. “But [in Iceland] people approach this differently. The individuals who draw attention to the dangers that are faced by our neighbouring countries are shot down or defiled by mud slinging so the issue is never brought up for public discourse… freedom of speech is being trampled on.”

As reported, following the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, Ásmundur suggested violating the civil rights of Icelandic muslims by investigating whether any of them had ever attended terrorist training camps.

Following his statements Ásmundur faced a backlash both from the public as well as his own party when multiple prominent members of the Independence Party distanced themselves from him, one even going as far as labelling the MP’s beliefs as “idiocy.”


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