From Iceland — Business As Usual For Icelandic Whalers

Business As Usual For Icelandic Whalers

Published April 3, 2014

Nanna Árnadóttir
Photo by
Customs and Border Protection Service, Commonwealth of Australia

CEO of Icelandic whaling company Hvalur H/F says that it’s business as usual for whalers in Iceland and that Obama’s statement on whaling in Iceland is nothing new, reportsVísir.

As reported, The White House has issued a new statement on Iceland’s whale hunting, outlining a number of actions the US plans to take in response.

However, CEO of Icelandic whaling company Hvalur H/F, Kristján Loftsson, says the statement is nothing new.

“This is just business as usual. It’s nothing new,” Kristján said.”This is the fifth time we get this type of warning [from the White House]. The wording is more or less the same [as before].”

Although Japan recently halted their whaling activities as a result of a UN ICJ whaling ban, Hvalur H/F’s ship Alma is currently transporting 2000 tonnes of whale meat to Japan.

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