From Iceland — LGBT Rights Groups Tells Minister To Send Message To Sochi Olympics

LGBT Rights Groups Tells Minister To Send Message To Sochi Olympics

Published February 4, 2014

Two LGBT rights groups have encouraged Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Illugi Jökulsson to “hold aloft the banner of the rights of queer people”.

Vísir reports that The National Queer Organization and Reykjavík Pride met with the minister today over his up-coming visit to Sochi, Russia to attend the Winter Olympics there.

“It is important that Icelanders do not miss this opportunity to hold aloft the banner of the rights of queer people,” their statement to the press reads in part. They point out furthermore that numerous politicians the world over have chosen to boycott the Olympics over Russia’s anti-LGBT legislation.

In fact, Icelandic politicians were encouraged to do the same last month, by LGBT rights groups and members of parliament. Nonetheless, in addition to Illugi, Minister of Social Affairs Eygló Harðardóttir and President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson are all planning to attend.

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