From Iceland — Gaga, Gnarr Honour Peace Awards

Gaga, Gnarr Honour Peace Awards

Published October 10, 2012

Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr and singer Lady Gaga were among the guests at the LENNONONO peace awards, held yesterday at Harpa concert hall.
Those honoured with the award this year, apart from Lady Gaga, were peace activist Rachel Corrie; John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman; Christopher Hitchens, a noted humanist and atheist who has written extensively on the negative effects of organised religion; and the Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot, three members of which are currently serving a two-year prison sentence for a protest concert they held in an Orthodox church earlier this year.
Vísir reports that Jón arrived at the event dressed in the same Obi Wan Kenobi outfit he wore for the Reykjavík International Film Festival. He gave a short speech, wherein he said that Ono has a special place in the hearts of Icelanders, and that city residents were particularly proud of the Peace Tower.
Gaga, for her part, praised the mayor in her acceptance speech, saying that more mayors around the world should be like him. The complete video of the awards ceremony can be seen here.
The Peace Tower was also lit last night, and will remain lit until Dec 8, but will then be re-lit from Dec 21 –28, and again on Dec 31.

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